Voter Resources
This page contains publications by various sources solely for informative purposes. The information, sources, and publications shared herein are not endorsed by the Pack the Polls coalition nor by North Carolina State University. For questions, comments, or concerns, please contact our team via email at
External Voter Resources
VOTE411– Non-partisan election information through questionnaires sent to political candidates, allowing them to tell voters their stances on certain topics and their history. VOTE411 was established and is maintained by the League of Women Voters, a non-partisan grassroots organization.
NC Voter – Non-partisan voter guides for the general election that include candidates’ background and statements. NC Voter is provided and managed by Democracy NC, a non-partisan organization.
NC Voter Guide – Non-partisan website that provides candidate information and election information to residents in North Carolina. NC Voter Guide is provided and managed by Common Cause North Carolina, a non-partisan grassroots organization.
Recent Political News from WUNC
WUNC is a broadcast service of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. For more information, click here to visit